Month of May
:|eXillmatic's Main Blog|:
Thursday: May 1, 2008
So i found out today i have 6 actual days of school left spaced over the next month . . . literally, but my last day is on the 30th, and i'll graduate on the 4th! woot. Been losing weight, this gym thing seems to be working (go figure), me and my girl both noticed it (mostly in the face and legs). Most importantly i got Grand Theft Auto 4, and it's fucking amazing. Go buy it right now!!! seriously, fucking buy it, now. I'm calling it to be GOTY right now.
Saturday: May 10, 2008
I beat Grand Theft Auto IV, woohoo. Definitely a fun game haha, but i was disappointed in the difficulty of the missions. I finished that guys website and he's supposed to cut me a check for $750 soon, i get the other $250 once i've tought him how to run the site.which should be nice since i lost my job and everything (got laid off, not fired). Only like 4 days of high school left, i'm ready for that to be over with. PS I'm making it a hobby to start visiting the forums more often, look out for a massively rising post count.
Wednesday: May 14, 2008
So here's the deal, i made an awesome mudkipz flash. I heard u liek dem? but basically, i needz moar ideas for my mudkipz outfits. Give dem to me nao and i will improveon installment number two. Other than that, go give it a five now and review it. PS School is almost over, and prom is saturday :D but unfortunately my girlfriend is probably gonna get her period on prom (so i'll have to wait for sex T_T)
Saturday: May 17, 2008
Prom tonight, WOO! I'm remaking my mudkipz flash with alot more outfits, gonna delete the original and resubmit the new one when it's done basically. If anyone has ideas for different mudkipz let me know, here's the list as of now:
Saturday: May 24, 2008
So i didn't get UDOTW, which is fine. i'm not too worried about it. Last night was me and sam's 1 year anniversary. Took her out to the melting pot and it was a lot of fun! she got me rock band :) the special edition full set hehe. Tonight i'll probably be so fucked up sideways i won't even be able to stand, graduation parties are the best haha (2 kegs = win). I'm off to play Rock Band with my girl now though, i'll see you guys next month probably.
Honestly bro... I check this shit everday hoping, praying for a new fucking SKW... Please let me die a happy man...